Terms of Use

Term Of Use
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    Purpose of the documents


    To manage and demonstrate compliance to ISO 17021-1 and other accreditation requirements including IAF Documents with the Conditions for by IAS Accreditation Board.




    QUALITY INTERNATIONAL System Certification Pvt. Ltd. (herein and after referred as QUALITY INTERNATIONAL) is an accredited Certification body that provides management System Certification Services. These guidelines have been created to enable QUALITY INTERNATIONALs client organizations, who have been successfully assessed against a system standard or scheme, to use the logos/marks in a manner which reflects and promotes their achievements and is not misleading in any way.


    Logos/marks which one can I use?




    Unless specific permission is granted in writing, these logos are only for use by QUALITY INTERNATIONAL.


    QUALITY INTERNATIONALs Management System logo


    QUALITY INTERNATIONALs client organizations who have been successfully assessed against a Management System standard/scheme


    Where can you use the logos/marks?


    You can use the logo/mark on your marketing & promotional materials including letterheads, quotations and general stationery, brochures, literature and exhibition standards; on internal walls and doors and on your website.


    Requirements for using the logos/marks


    • Only use the artwork supplied by QUALITY INTERNATIONAL
    • Only use the appropriate logo/mark relevant to the certification awarded
    • You may add your certificate number and/or the relevant standard reference underneath all the marks, as long as the proportions are maintained, and all elements and words remain legible
    • Where a client wishes to promote their certification without using the relevant mark, the wording to be used shall be, Certified by QUALITY INTERNATIONAL System Certification Pvt. Ltd. (Certificate Number: XXXXXXX), a IAS accredited certification body No. 154
    • When the logos are used on a company website a link to QUALITY INTERNATIONALs website www.Quality Internationalgroup.org must be put on the image.


    Color, Size and Technical Requirements of the logos/marks


    Client is allowed only to use the color in original as supplied by QUALITY INTERNATIONAL System Certification Pvt. Ltd. and no change is allowed, QUALITY INTERNATIONAL will, however, allow the client to reproduce the logos/marks in black & white or the predominant color of the document, when appropriate. Under these circumstances all artwork should be submitted to info@Quality Internationalgroup.org for approval.


    Exceptional Permission


    The logos/marks may be reproduced in the following formats: embossed, relief or die stamped, watermark, electronic, as long as distortion is avoided and all other requirements in this document are met.


    The logos/marks may be resized as long as proportions are maintained, are large enough for all the elements to be distinguished and any wording is legible.


    For logos/marks incorporating the IAS Management System Certification Body symbol, these shall normally govern with IAS logo as issued/ guided from time to time. When the logos containing the IAS accreditation symbol are printed on an unfolded portion of stationery sized no greater than A4, they shall be displayed in a suitable size preferably no larger than 30 mm high. On larger portions of unfolded stationery, the size may be proportionately increased.


    IAS Logo Terms





    Restrictions on the use of the logos/marks


    The IAS mark must not be used independently of the QUALITY INTERNATIONAL mark.


    The logos/marks must not be used in any way that might mislead the reader about the status or scope of the certification.


    The management system logo shall not be displayed on a product.


    The management system logo shall not be displayed on product packaging, unless the following wording (or similar approved wording) is included: Product has been manufactured in accordance with a quality management system complying with ISO 9001.


    The management system certification logos may not be displayed on certificates of analysis, conformity, calibration certificates or testing certificates.


    Upon suspension or withdrawal of certification the use of all marks shall be discontinued with immediate effect


    does not use its certification or any mark (s) in such a manner that would bring the CB and / or certification system into disrepute and lose public trust.


    Does not use incorrect logo like downloading logo of CAB or Accreditation board from website, google or any other search engine, but must request to QUALITY INTERNATIONAL for copy of the logo.




    If any accredited certificate holder fails to comply with these regulations or uses the logos in any manner contrary to the guidance issued, QUALITY INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to withdraw / cancel its certificate upon which action, the certificate holder shall immediately cease to use the name, reference, logos and withdraw the existing stock of its stationery and other promotional brochures etc. bearing the logos, from further use. Such action could include requests for correction and corrective action, suspension, withdrawal of certification, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action.


    Public Notice / Disclaimer


    QUALITY INTERNATIONAL Reserve right to make a public notice and publish the misuse / inappropriate use on its portal and in any other manner as decided by the company. If any notification / publication is required to protect the misuse, certified client organization shall reimburse all the expenses related to such publication which is necessary to protect the interest of the Name / Marks. Any loss or damage to such certified client organization shall be sole responsibility of the user only and QUALITY INTERNATIONAL shall not be responsible for any loss due to cancellation, suspension, or publication of the misuse.





    The above images are examples only, files will be supplied for client use where appropriate. QUALITY INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to take action against parties that do not adhere to its guidelines. For further clarification on the use of any marks, please write to auh@qualitydxb.com.