Vision, Mission & Values
To develop and become an absolute market trailblazer in the Inspection and Certification business, fabled for sustainable quality, health, safety, environment and high standards of its’ services.
- To create necessary means and the growth oriented atmospheres empowering the employees of Quality International to provide services and achieve results to the fullest satisfaction of its’ customers.
- To make world class Health, Safety, Environment and Quality a way of life within the company.
- To provide our clients professional services with the most qualified people and apparatus.
Health, Safety, Environment and Quality must come first in everything we do in our business. We shall be principled in our conduct and business dealings and protect the rightful interest of all our patrons, including employees, customers and partners in particular and the society in general.
- We shall stand by the laws of the land and norms of the society while providing our services.
- We shall keep the good name and status of the company supreme in our private and business communications with the customers and public at large.
- We will guard and preserve the integrity and dignity of our employees and provide them nondiscriminatory, pleasant and safe environments to work and grow.
- We shall reward good performance, approach and effective communication with fair remuneration and we shall promote a sense of ownership amongst the employees.
- We shall care for the business interest of our customers by maintaining confidentiality of information and never using it their detriment.