Corporate Quality Policy


Recognize and  appreciate the importance and benefits of establishing, implementing and maintaining a Quality Management System as part of       everyday company operations and services provided (Technical inspection and management system certification services) Our adopted school of   thought and strategic objective is that: All employees and people associated with work performed by the company shall carry out their duties as per     the quality system requirements to maintain customer satisfaction for continual improvements and, business development in a sustainable manner.   We will ensure that our services provided to our clients comply with applicable Codes, Standards, client specifications and contractual requirements.  Our implementation strategy and frame of work is demonstrated through the following commitments.

  • Provide the necessary resources to: Establish, implement and maintain effective Quality Management System.
  • Comply with relevant legal and contractual requirements. Provide direction, training and supervision for our employees to increase awareness and competency.
  • Continual improvement in quality related issues and development of objectives and targets.
  • Communicate the quality policy to all employees within the company and emphasizing the importance of full implementation and compliance and make available to public and interested parties.
  • Periodic review of the quality system for continuing suitability and effectiveness.

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